Decided to miss my summer league match at Spring ponds so Robbie
could take part in his summer league we turned up at wheel pond and i
instantly saw i had left his poles on the drive at home(Plonker)
No matter as it would only take 15 minutes to pop home so waited for the draw then made a quick dash home.
got first choice today and picked peg 1 a nice peg on the wooden
gangway allowing him to fish the far bank with comfort but also 2
margins 1 along the gangway and 1 to his left were we new alot of
Crucians hung around.
To my surprise the Torbay Tart turned up
thinking he could fish a Junior match i suppose after his recent run he
may get a top 3 here.
After the rules were explained he managed to find his Neice so she would be fishing in his place.
set up 3 rigs for today 1 for the far bank 1 for top 2 plus 2 for
silvers and 1 margin rig for meat luckily we found 2 spots with equal
depth either side.
Bait would be Maggot for silvers and meat and pellet for the Carp.
all in was called and Robbie went straight out for silvers it took
awhile but he started to catch a few small roach and perch no-one seemed
to be catching much except for the Tarts Neice who was getting a better
stamp of roach than Robbie.
Unfortunately after an
hour Robbie started to feel ill and despite trying to carry on i made
the decision to call it a day so we had to pack up early.
I knew
it was the right decision because as soon we got home he went straight
to bed and slept for 2 hours only waking when he a nightmare involving
the Torbay Tarts legs in shorts only Joking he was thankfully his legs
were fully covered today.
Will try and get the full the results and update soon.
Next up hopefully a trip to Milemead if i can persuade my wife to let me out on my eldest son's birthday
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